The science of reading? We’ve got that!

Listen in as experienced school leader Lauren Ellis highlights how easy it is to pair Tools curriculum with the science of reading. She’ll show you how Tools supports language development, word recognition, comprehension and verbal reasoning skills.

The challenge


What we heard from teachers and administration at after implementing Tools at

The science of reading? We’ve got that!


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The process

Committee search to choose the right curriculum

Selection of Tools of the Mind curriculum & professional development

Tools training and implementation for all relevant staff

Teaching and learning review and outcomes

You’ve probably seen a lot in the news lately about the effectiveness of using the science of reading to ensure that children are getting the building blocks they need to become skilled readers. 

If you’re looking at Scarborough’s Reading Rope and wondering if it jives with what Tools has to offer when it comes to literacy instruction, the answer is a resounding yes. Just ask Lauren Ellis. An accomplished school leader who has years of Tools experience under her belt, watch as Lauren describes how seamlessly the Tools preschool curriculum weaves the science of reading into so many activities happening throughout the Tools day, even Make-Believe Play. 

If you are a Tools teacher or administrator wondering how to make sure your children are getting what they need from the science of reading, Lauren has a message for you: You’re already doing it! And if you aren’t yet a Tools school and are tempted to become one, watch as Lauren makes a great case for how Tools instruction has solutions for so many of the challenges we face in the classroom as we serve diverse populations and strive to maximize learning for all of our children.  

Watch Lauren make the connections between sound Tools practice and science of reading language comprehension and word recognition fundamentals. 

Tools Takeaways

  • Tools of the Mind literacy instruction addresses all of the subskills necessary for children to become skilled readers, including phonological awareness, vocabulary, verbal reasoning and decoding
  • Teachers can lean into Tools structures to focus on building these science of reading skills